Metal Planes  

We offer a payment plan for our planes.

No 5) A 4 1/2" long x 1 3/8" wide bronze and steel D/T M/P with boxwood infill, very similar to Honey Bear. £2,500 + post.


No 4) A 4 7/8" long x 1 3/8" wide D/T M/P with rosewood infill, cupid shooting arrows on the body. £2,000 + post.


No 3) A 4 3/4" long x 1 3/8" wide D/T M/P with ebony infill. £2,000+ post.



2) A 4 1/2" long x 1 3/8" wide, steel body with bronze sole, front and bridge. Exposed copid's bow dovetails. Laburnum infill.  £1,500 + post.


1) A 7" x 1 7/8" bronze & steel M/P with exposed Cupids Bow D/T and Cupids Bow decoration around the top edge and bridge. Cut away back to lower the bed angle, through tenons on the sole, rosewood infill. £3,000 + post.


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+44 116 2762513 +44 116 2762513


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